Get Involved

At Porches for Progress, we’re all about collaboration. We believe people are stronger together. That’s why we’re thrilled that you’re interested in joining our mission.

People like you can make a big difference in the lives of so many people. We’re grateful and honored that you would come alongside us to effect positive change.


Specific Requests

  • $100 - $500 funds an entire community grant

  • $250 funds a celebration event where we recognize micro-grant recipients—a lot of people in the community attend this event and it’s a great way to spread the word about Porches for Progress

  • $75 funds a project completion celebration-when all the hard work is done, we like to celebrate the accomplishment of a completed project

  • Do you shop on Shop on AmazonSmile and they will match 0.5% for all purchases!

Spread the Word

You can also help by telling your friends and family about Porches for Progress. Spreading the word helps raise awareness and garner support to help those in resource-poor communities.

We are looking for ways to network, collaborate, and fundraise. Shoot us an email at if you would like to get in touch!


Giving Tuesday